One great way to save money on your monthly car insurance is by taking a defensive driving class, it can be taken in person or online. This discount is accepted by majority of car insurance companies. It will only work if you currently DO NOT have any tickets or accidents on your record.
Here is a perfect example of a customer that currently is paying $162 a month for her car insurance, by taking the defensive driving course she received a discount that made her new monthly payment $141. Here in Georgia, insurance companies allow you to keep the defensive driving discount for 3 years. BUT once you get a ticket or cause an accident that defensive driving discount vanishes!
You may be reading this and think, "I'm a great driver, I do not need to do this!".
By having this certificate of completion you are proving to the insurance company that you are being SAFER and in return they give you a discount. This does work in other states other than Georgia. If you have taken a defensive driving course through work that course will work for the discount as well, for example some truck drivers and police officers take defensive driving courses in Georgia. All you have to do is obtain that certificate and email it to your insurance agent.
Let us know if any questions arise.
Victor Jimenez, Owner
Phone: 678-525-7607
Kwasi Hudson, Agent
Hometown Insurance Group Jimenez Agency
8322 Office Park Drive Suite B
Douglasville, GA 30134
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